Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) praises the establishment of increased funding towards local libraries such as Mahopac and Brewster Library. Bullet aid grants are delivered to hundreds of libraries across New York through a program of targeted aid via state education funding. Mahopac Public Library and Brewster Public Library were both granted an additional $20,000 that will be used towards upgrading and sustaining their upkeep.
“It is wonderful to see investments in additional funding for public libraries as an investment in the future of our communities. By supporting libraries, we ensure equal access to knowledge, promote lifelong learning, foster community engagement, and contribute so much to our local towns. Recognizing the vital role that libraries play in society, it is crucial that we advocate for increased funding, enabling these valuable institutions to continue serving as pillars of education, culture, and social enrichment for generations to come. I am thrilled for Mahopac and Brewster to receive the appreciation they deserve and keep our communities that much better of a place to reside,” said Slater.
“The Brewster Public Library is so grateful to Assemblyman Slater for providing this grant.With these funds, we will be able to replace outdated computer hardware throughout our library, which will have a significant impact on the lives of so many members of our community, who rely on the library for access to technology and the internet,” said Gina Loprinzo, Director of Brewster Public Library.
“Mahopac Library is incredibly appreciative of Assemblyman Slater's support. The funds will be used to purchase a dedicated server which will provide more reliability and stability than the current infrastructure allows. It will also ensure enhanced security as we can monitor the network on a larger scale, rather than needing to attend to machines individually," said Michele J. Capozzella, Director Mahopac Public Library.
The above information was previously distributed and made public for immediate release by the New York State Assembly.