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Over the weekend, Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) honored Women of Distinction from each town within the 94th District who go above and beyond personally and professionally and serve as an example to their communities. The women honored were Sue Stone from the town of Carmel, Liz Talbert from the town of Yorktown, and Sallie Sypher from Putnam Valley


“These are incredible individuals who have had a profound impact on our communities, on our neighbors and our friends. It is important we take time to celebrate them, celebrate their achievements and raise them up so they can inspire others to do equally good work,” said Slater.

“Sue Stone’s unwavering dedication to uplifting our community embodies the true spirit of service and compassion. Her selfless efforts have touched countless lives, making Carmel a better place for all. We are proud to recognize her outstanding contributions and commend her well-deserved nomination for the 94th Women of Distinction Award,” said Town Supervisor of Town of Carmel Mike Cazzari. 

“What a great women of distinction program assemblyman Matt Slater put on for Mother’s Day weekend. It was such a pleasure for us to be able to honor Liz Talbert from the town of Yorktown for all she does in our community, but especially her work with the Alliance for Safe Kids, also known as ASK,” said Yorktown Supervisor Ed Lachterman.

“Sallie Sypher is our modern-day Rosie the Riveter, and she sets the gold standard for Putnam Valley. I am so honored for having had the chance to help recognize her with this wonderful award,” said Putnam Town Supervisor Jaqueline Annabi.

“Grace Zimmerman embodies the spirit of community service. Her love of the Somers is unwavering and her commitment to making our town a better place for all is truly inspiring,” said Somers Town Supervisor Robert Scorrano.



              SUSAN STONE (Town of Carmel)

    BETTY BEHR (Town of Kent)

    GRACE ZIMMERMANN (Town of Somers)

            EDIE DEVITO (Town of Southeast)

        LORRAINE MAJOR (Town of Patterson)

      SALLIE SYPHER (Town of Putnam Valley)

     ELIZABETH TALBERT (Town of Yorktown)



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