Following the aftermath of the devastating rain storm that hit the Hudson Valley in July 2023, New York State Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) has become one of the newest members of the American Flood Coalition. This national, nonpartisan coalition seeks to advance solutions that support flood-affected communities and protect our nation’s residents, economy and military installations.
“After seeing the devastation that has impacted homeowners and businesses in the 94th Assembly District firsthand, it is clear our state needs to enhance our preparation for these intense weather events by investing in our infrastructure to properly handle the high volume of rain we have seen this summer,” Slater said.
The coalition works to invest in adaptation planning and projects that reduce risk to better protect our home values, highways, ports and other essential infrastructure. Being a strong voice, Slater and other representatives such as Rep. Mike Lawler and Putnam County Executive Kevin Byrne called on Gov. Hochul and President Biden to provide the necessary funding to rebuild after the storm. Portions of the 94th Assembly District did qualify for federal and state aid.
Slater’s strong advocacy prompted Republican Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, who is also a member of the coalition, to invite Slater to join.
“When disaster strikes our communities as elected officials, it is our responsibility to act. Matt has provided unwavering leadership for the residents and businesses of the Hudson Valley in their recovery efforts from the extreme flooding that hit the region this summer,” said Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski). “The opportunity to connect with leaders from across the nation will facilitate increased partnerships to collectively seek solutions related to mitigating the effects of dangerous storm and flood-related events here in New York.”
“We cannot wait for disaster to strike, and that is why I am excited to join the American Flood Coalition and its efforts as it seeks to be proactive and not reactive when it comes to serious events similar to the storm earlier this summer,” continued Slater.
Slater joins 385 other members throughout 22 states within the U.S. and is only the sixth elected official within the state of New York to join the American Flood Coalition.