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Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) joined his colleagues and had representatives of the Affiliated Police Association of Westchester, the Westchester County PBA, Westchester County SOA, Westchester County COBA and Yorktown Police Department to demand Gov. Katyh Hochul and her Democrat colleagues include public safety measures in the final state budget agreement. The tragic loss of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller, who was shot and killed in the line of duty by a career criminal with 21 prior arrests, is a reminder of the consequences pro-criminal policies have on law enforcement and all New Yorkers.

“It’s past due that Gov. Hochul and the New York State Legislature finally address the disastrous cashless bail laws that are in place and hold criminals accountable. These are policies that are empowering criminals to MURDER our police officers - the very people who wake up everyday to protect our communities and families. Enough is enough,” said Slater. 

  “Public safety needs to be in the final state budget. It’s that simple,” Leader Barclay said. “Albany’s three Dems in a room might be in the ‘middle of the middle’ of closed-door budget talks, but police officers and innocent civilians are in the middle of a crime crisis. The endless drumbeat of pro-criminal priorities from liberal Democrats has taken up too much time and attention here. The budget is already late. A final agreement is still nowhere in sight. It’s time to get something done and deliver common-sense protections to restore law and order in New York.” 


     “The senseless murder of NYPD Detective Officer Diller serves as a reminder that the backward laws that come out of Albany have real consequences,” said Assemblyman Michael Durso (R-Massapequa Park). “Let us honor Officer Diller and his family by passing meaningful legislation that prioritizes public safety and gives law enforcement the tools to keep them, and us, safe.”


     “The surge in crime plaguing New York directly stems from our state’s soft-on-crime policies. The legislation proposed today promises to reverse this alarming trend that will undoubtedly destroy New York if no action is taken. The murder of Officer Jonathan Diller was preventable, that’s the truth of it. The safety of our families, friends and even protectors is being sidelined in favor of catering to criminals—an unacceptable reality. No resident should fear for their safety when stepping outside, uncertain if they’ll return unharmed. We can put an end to the senseless violence with these practical proposals on public safety,” said Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square).

Slater has introduced/co-sponsored the following pieces of legislation that would allow our law enforcement, district attorneys and judges to hold people accountable for their actions and make New York a safer place for all.

Ending parole for convicted cop-killers - Impose a sentence of life imprisonment without parole for murder in the first degree involving the killing of a police officer or any first responder. (A.5747, Slater).

Imposes Dangerous Standard - Eliminates the defendant’s return to court as the sole factor for a judge to consider when determining pre-trial release by directing the court to also consider the safety of any person or the community when selecting a securing order. requiring the court to make an individualized determination as to whether the principal poses a risk or threat of physical danger to the safety of any person or the community and an individualized determination as to whether they pose a risk of flight to avoid prosecution. (To Be Introduced; Reilly, Jensen, Tannousis)


Reinstates the Death Penalty in New York State and make it an available sentence for those convicted of Murder in the First Degree for the intentional killing of police officers, specified peace officers, and first responders among others.  Mandates LWOP for cop killers not sentenced to Death (A3906; Barclay)


Reinstates Death Penalty/Mandates LWOP - Provides that sentence for commission of Murder in the First Degree of a police officer, certain peace officers, first responder, correction officer is death or life without parole. A.3481 (Destefano)


Strips the Governor of the power to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons, after sentenced to LWOP or for the felony murder of police officers, first responders, peace officers, and corrections officers. A.4626 (McGowan)


Parole Reform – Requires a unanimous vote of at least three parole commissioners to grant a prisoner early release. Also allows a majority vote of the Legislature to remove a commissioner from the ParoleBoard (A.5225, Barclay/S.1412, Ortt)


Three Strikes You’re In - Authorizes the imposition of life imprisonment without parole for persistent violent felony offenders upon conviction of a violent felony offense when such person has previously been subjected to two or more predicate violent felony convictions. A.5557 (Brabenec, Angelino)/S.103 (Tedisco) 


Makes All Gun Crimes Qualifying Offenses - Adds any misdemeanor and felony offense involving the possession, display, or discharge of a firearm, rifle, shotgun, machine-gun or disguised gun to the list of “qualifying offenses” that authorize a judge to fix bail or remand a defendant to the custody of the sheriff. (A.1503, Barclay)


Hate Crimes Against First Responders – Designates offenses against law enforcement, emergency medical services personnel, and/or firefighters as hate crimes, thereby increasing the penalty for the offense (A.3417, DeStefano/S.6091).

Click here for a video of Assemblyman Matt Slater



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