Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) criticized Gov. Hochul’s State of the State address for failing to tackle the challenges facing Hudson Valley families. Specifically, Slater expressed his concern about the governor’s failure to adequately address public safety and affordability issues.
“Gov. Hochul’s ‘Housing Compact’ is an effort by the state to overrule local zoning and decision making,” said Slater. “As town supervisor, I was able to expand our local housing stock by 500 units, but we did it the right way. We followed the local zoning and planning board process and protected the traditional character of our communities. Instead of another Albany mandate, the Governor needs to follow the example we set.”
While Hochul expressed her opposition to increasing state income taxes, the State of the State address contained no mention of easing the property tax burden borne by local homeowners. In addition, the governor failed to articulate any vision for improving public education or address emerging issues like rampant food insecurity and costly new state mandates on local school districts.
“Property taxes, jobs and public schools are my top concerns for families in the Hudson Valley,” Slater continued. “There cannot be a real vision for the future of our state that completely fails to address these issues.”
Gov. Hochul also doubled-down on her failed cashless bail law and refused to make any public commitment to roll back the pro-criminal policies that have contributed to rising crime and widespread outrage about public safety.
“Hudson Valley families know the cost of living is sky high and Albany’s pro-criminal policies have made us less safe. We can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. New Yorkers deserve better. Gov. Hochul’s speech was an assault on the suburbs, pure and simple. The governor and legislative leaders must join us to address these critical issues,” concluded Slater.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH Slater’s response to the State of the State Address.
The above information was previously distributed and made public for immediate release by the New York State Assembly.